British Murders

Keep them coming

Love the podcast and the crimes you discuss. I am a full blown true crime addict and I listen to true crime podcasts all the time. I have run out of Australian true crime stories (as I'm from Australia) and have heard all the big well known American ones. Binging on British Murders a.t.m. and I love your accent. It is so refreshing and a good change from the normal US and Australian podcasts.
Keep up the good work!

PS: Just listened to the Brian Blackwell episode and the reviews afterwards. I hardly ever leave reviews but decided now is the time after I had a very good laugh the review from the guy from the US regarding your supposedly UK superiority complex haha! Had to laugh at how triggered he was by who knows what. I sometimes wonder why people listen to podcasts when they don't like the style or whatever, and then still take the time to leave a review. Don't they know they are free to move on and listen to something else?
Had a good laugh though. How ridiculous!

Your American accent was on point by the way!

May 22, 2023 by Zandri Muller on This Website

British Murders